BGM Hawaii - 朝のリラックス音楽 ~【疲れを癒す】ギターと波 - 音楽と海 - 音楽は平和をもたらす


動画説明 :

? About BGM channel
Our Music is for relaxation, for work, for study, etc.
All music in this video & on this channel is original music by BGMC.
We are playing all the songs.
#朝の音楽 , ハワイアンミュージック, #ハワイと音楽, #Hawaii BGM, # ハワイの音楽, ハワイのウクレレ, ハワイのビーチの音楽, Hawaii Music, , guitar music, BGM guitar, BGM Hawaii, BGM ukulele
#ハワイ #ハワイアンミュージック #朝の音楽
? What is BGMC?
Gentle light that shines through the blinds
One glass of water after waking up
The tender breeze from the window that we feel with all our body

These things are too ordinary in everyday life to be conscious.
But we can't live even if one of them is missing.
"ZiKi music BEO" has been providing music, hoping to be like them.

Though it is colorless and transparent, we want to make the listener's daily life as colorful as possible.
That is the essence of the music we deliver.

Light, water, wind, and BGMC
A new value for music.

?You can find smoothBGM Hawai tunes to relax, mentally relax for a new day full of joy and happiness.
?You just need to make a hot cup of coffee and enjoy the best tunes, all of which will give you a great sense of relaxation!

© Sound and image copyright belongs to ZiKi music BEO
© Music copyright owned by ZiKi music BEO
© Image and video copyright is licensed by Storyblock
• Recording device: AXP55 4K Handycam

? All images and sounds used in the video are our proprietary sounds and images.
Thank you for listening!
