チベットの音色 【睡眠用BGM ゆらぎの音】 当チャンネルオリジナル楽曲


カテゴリ :


動画説明 :

#睡眠用BGM #ゆらぎの音 #癒し音楽 #睡眠導入音楽  #ヒーリングミュージック #アンビエント音楽 #528HZ #シンキングボウル #ASMR
#BGM for sleep  #Healing music  #Sleep aid music #Sheep Counting

Tibetan Tones [BGM for Sleep, Fluctuating Sound] Original music of our channel





【画像素材】 シンキングボウルと瞑想をモチーフにしたイメージ画(AI生成)
【楽曲】   当チャンネル  Night Flying のオリジナル曲

"Mysterious Tibetan singing bowl sounds that lead the mind to peacefulness. We promise you a peaceful sleep in the silence of the night."

The sounds of the sacred Tibetan singing bowls will gently envelop your mind and provide a relaxing respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The ancient healing sounds of this YouTube channel will guide you into a deep sleep. As night falls, silence fills the room and a sense of serenity envelops you as if you are in a Tibetan landscape.

The resonance of the Thinking Bowl has been used around the world as a meditation aid. Their deep resonance refreshes the body and mind, relieving stress and anxiety. Try listening to this music once before going to sleep. It will naturally harmonize with the rhythm of your mind and invite you to a comfortable sleep.

The enchanting Tibetan sounds will soothe your tired mind and body. Please visit this channel and enjoy a peaceful evening.

Image: Image of a thinking bowl and meditation (AI-generated).
Original music by Night Flying