【作業用BGM】中毒性のある曲[playlist・morning music
This music compilation has been uploaded in cooperation with Epidemic Sound’s Music
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00:00 Parts Of You - Bird Of Figment
03:25 We're All Runners - Craig Reever
07:05 Just Do It - Houses On The Hill
10:07 I Did It All For You - Victor Lundberg
13:03 Even If the Sky Is Falling Down - Candelion
15:46 Waste of Time - CLNGR
19:10 Skip the Small Talk - Gamma Skies
22:26 Let Us Run Away - Loving Caliber
25:43 Enough to Get By - Daniel Gunnarsson
28:41 If You Go - Wildflowers
32:02.506 Just a Little Time - CLNGR
34:41.142 That's How You Know That You're In Love - Loving Caliber
37:55.697 Get over You Again - Christine Smit
41:16.238 What Is It Like - Loving Caliber
44:33.786 Baby Bye - Vicki Vox
47:41.611 Homesick - Loving Caliber
51:32.084 To Let You In - Volcan Peaks
54:43.645 Drinking You off My Mind - Thyra
58:25.138 Stuck in the Moment - Alexa Cappelli
1:01:12.531 Be Your Light - CLNGR
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