カタカムナ - Katakamuna【高次元 | 高画質4K | 作業用/リラックス/瞑想 BGM】


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動画説明 :




◇●◇This music and visual content is created using a collection of cutting-edge AI technologies, each specialized in different genres. Each frame of the video is rich with profound meaning, and the flowing storyline is also significant.

◇●◇What is consciousness? What is art?
Here, the supernatural and the ultra-scientific merge, carving out new frontiers in human consciousness. We embrace history, legends, values, and philosophies, integrating them into a new world with our innovative prompts and programming.

◇●◇We transcend the boundaries of religion and pave the way to uncharted dimensions. Our work envisions the moment when spirituality and science unite. This art piece represents an ultimate journey of creation, boundless in its scope and imagination.