【1時間耐久フリーBGM】LOFI BGM - のんびりチルアウト(#lofimusic / #chillmusic )


動画説明 :

のんびりチルアウトしたいあなたへ!癒しのLofi BGM
**どんなシーンにもぴったりなLofi BGMをお届けします。
** 心地よいメロディーとゆったりとしたリズム**

For those who want to relax and chill out! Healing Lofi BGM
**Studying, reading, working, cafe time, relaxing...
**We provide Lofi BGM that is perfect for any occasion.
** Pleasant melody and slow rhythm**

#chill, #lofimusic, #lofi, #relax, #bgm, #studymusic , #sleepmusic , #vlogmusic
#チル, #チルい音楽


**If you like it, please subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating!**
We look forward to your requests and thoughts in the comments section! **
Let's chill out together!

音楽としての創作性を追加せずに本楽曲を視聴させることを主たる目的とした映像作品への本楽曲の利用、二次配布、 Content ID・音楽配信サービスなどへの登録、「フリーBGM」と記載のない楽曲の使用

It can be used by individuals or corporations, commercial or non-commercial.

Use of this song in a video work whose main purpose is to have the song viewed without adding creativity as music, secondary distribution, registration with Content ID/music distribution services, etc., and "free BGM" Use of songs not listed
Basically, it's okay as long as it doesn't cause any disadvantage to you.
