【ドライブ用BGM】 神々の旅路:幻想的なローファイビート BGM for Driving] Travels of the Gods: Fantastic Lo-fi Beat


動画説明 :

初めまして、チルウェイブ・ラウンジです。 このチャンネルは世界の様々な音楽を聴いてオリジナル編曲を作っています。


・学校 ・会社 ・勉強 ・作業用 ・イベント ・睡眠などなど


クレジット表記名:チルウェイブ・ラウンジ URL:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-q9lNBSplhxNOXkbLMs-Q




1. 不適切なコメントや振る舞い:他の視聴者や制作者に対する攻撃的な言動、差別的な発言、または不適切な内容を含むコメントや振る舞いは禁止されています。礼儀正しく、尊重のあるコミュニケーションを心がけてください。

2. スパム行為:チャンネルやコメント欄でのスパム行為、不要なリンクの貼り付け、または無関係な宣伝は禁止されています。チャンネル内での有意義なディスカッションやコミュニケーションを尊重しましょう。

3. 違法行為の助長:違法な行為や違法な活動の助長、またはそれらを称賛するような内容は禁止されています。健全なコミュニティ環境を維持するために、適切な行動を取ってください。

4. 無断転載や無断使用は認めません。




X(Twitter)アメリカ版 言語:英語 URL https://x.com/izumo_610?t=9EQ6YZ3qfUY8n5hhV9B5Zw&s=09
X(Twitter)日本版 言語:日本語 URL https://x.com/myouou922?t=nsPO5Sc221qIT8L6FhUXBg&s=09

Hello, welcome to Chillwave Lounge. This channel creates original arrangements by listening to various music from around the world. You can freely listen to our music for sleep, work, study, events, or school purposes. This channel was launched on April 3, 2024.

The sound sources used in this channel come from BandLab. We have slightly edited AI-generated sound sources. The copyright of the sound sources and the images used in the videos belong to me (©2024nakasima).

Here are the permitted uses of the free sound sources:
- School
- Company
- Study
- Work
- Events
- Sleep, etc.
When using the sound sources at an event, please leave a comment to let us know.

*Commercial use is allowed. If using it for commercial purposes, please be sure to include a credit notation and leave a comment to inform us.

Credit notation name: Chillwave Lounge
URL: [Chillwave Lounge YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-q9lNBSplhxNOXkbLMs-Q)

Important Notice: Prohibited Conduct

When enjoying lo-fi music on this channel, please refrain from the following prohibited conduct. These rules are established to maintain a healthy community environment and provide a better viewing experience.

List of Prohibited Conduct

1. Inappropriate comments or behavior: Comments or actions that are offensive, discriminatory, or contain inappropriate content directed towards other viewers or creators are prohibited. Please strive for polite and respectful communication.

2. Spamming: Spamming the channel or comments section, posting unnecessary links, or unrelated advertisements is prohibited. Please respect meaningful discussion and communication within the channel.

3. Encouraging illegal activity: Promoting or praising illegal acts or activities is prohibited. Please take appropriate actions to maintain a healthy community environment.

4. Unauthorized reproduction or use: Unauthorized reproduction or use is not permitted.

If violations of these prohibited acts are found, the administrators reserve the right to take appropriate measures. We appreciate your cooperation to ensure everyone enjoys their viewing experience.

For any questions or requests, please contact us at [fodou.myouou922@gmail.com].
Please note that we may not be able to respond to a large volume of emails from around the world.

X (Twitter) US version: Language: English, URL: https://x.com/izumo_610?t=9EQ6YZ3qfUY8n5hhV9B5Zw&s=09
X (Twitter) Japan version: Language: Japanese, URL: https://x.com/myouou922?t=nsPO5Sc221qIT8L6FhUXBg&s=09
