【睡眠BGM】"自然の音色:水のせせらぎと森林の静けさ" "Nature's Melody: The Sound of Water and Forest Silence"


動画説明 :


"Pleasant Dreams: Gentle Music for Deep Sleep" offers carefully selected soothing melodies and rich tones to support a restful night's sleep. Experience a tranquil moment of relaxation to relieve stress and fatigue, allowing your mind and body to unwind and rejuvenate. Enjoy the soothing comfort."

Kevin MacLeod の Heart of Nowhere は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ - 著作権表示必須 4.0 ライセンスに基づいて使用が許諾されます。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

ソース: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400045

アーティスト: http://incompetech.com/

