【フリーBGM】『cold rain-冷たい雨-』落ち着いた癒しの曲【著作権フリー・作業用・Chill out・Healing】#BGM #作業用BGM #睡眠用BGM #配信用BGM


カテゴリ :


動画説明 :




しまchannel【Free-BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vDjnT_lYL9lbMo2vWPQiQ






・公開中の音源はYouTube Content IDやJASRACなどの著作権管理団体への登録をしておりません。


・禁止事項 (1) 楽曲名称・作曲者名を偽る行為 (2) 音楽ファイルの無断販売 (3) YouTube Content IDやJASRACなどの著作権管理団体への登録 (4) 「作業用BGMまとめ」などの創作性のないBGMコンテンツの転載(判断基準は動画のタイトルを含みます)


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This is a copyright-free playlist of original background music!
You can freely use it for any content, commercial or non-commercial, including videos and distribution, as long as it is within the scope permitted by the terms of use.

No usage report is required*.
No report is required when you use any of the video materials on this site.

Credit notation*.
When you use video materials from this site, please give us credit if possible.
Example of credit notation
Shima channel [Free-BGM] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vDjnT_lYL9lbMo2vWPQiQ

Goods sales site

[Supported goods link
If you can support the contributor, please click here.

Terms of Use
We do not ask for any credit notation or permission for use (you are free to write).

We do not ask for any credit or permission for use.

We will use high ratings, comments, and play counts as reference in organizing the channel. If you like the music, we would be happy to hear your reaction.

We do not have a YouTube Content ID or registration with JASRAC or any other copyright management organization for the music we make available to the public.

We do not register our music to YouTube Content ID, JASRAC, or any other copyright management organization.

(2) Unauthorized sale of music files (3) Registration with copyright management organizations such as YouTube Content ID or JASRAC (4) Reproduction of non-creative BGM contents such as "BGM for work" (including video titles as criteria)