・公開中の音源はYouTube Content IDやJASRACなどの著作権管理団体への登録をしておりません。
・YouTube Content IDやJASRACなどの著作権管理団体への登録
Terms of Use
The copyright is free, but we don't give up the copyright.
We appreciate it if you give us a high rating or comment on the BGM you like.
We would appreciate it if you could give us credit for the music.
We will not be held liable for any damages caused by the use of the music.
We do not register the sound files with copyright management organizations such as YouTube Content ID or JASRAC.
Prohibited items
Falsifying the name of the music or the name of the composer.
Registration with copyright management organizations such as YouTube Content ID or JASRAC
Unauthorized sale of music files
Reproduction of non-creative BGM contents such as “BGM for work” compilation
#フリーBGM #freebgm #freemusic #bgm #music #かわいい #kawaii
#pop #フリーBGM #リラックスbgm
#かわいいBGM #配信 #雑談 #勉強 #game #vlog #60min
#OP #ED #オープニング #エンディング