【30分BGM】-Wandering Girl 64-【Chill/lo-fi】FREE


動画説明 :

?If you like the music, like it! And it will be encouraging if you subscribe to the channel ?

↓Thank you for subscribing to my channel -チャンネル登録ぜひよろしくお願い致します-↓

・配信楽曲は、Sunoでの作成を基本としていますが、著作権はNATUre musicが所有し、完全収益化を対象としています。

・公開中の音源はYouTube Content IDやJASRACなどの著作権管理団体への登録をしておりません。
・著作権フリーとさせて頂いていますが著作権を放棄はしておりません。著作権はNATUre musicに帰属します。
・NATUre musicは楽曲利用にて利用者が受ける損害・トラブルについて一切の賠償責任を負いません。

・YouTube Content IDやJASRACなどの著作権管理団体への登録

[English translation]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following are notes on using free BGM.
*Songs are not distributed.
【terms of service】
・Songs that are not marked as [Free BGM] cannot be used below.
・Distributed songs are basically created with Suno, but the copyright is owned by NATUre music and is subject to full monetization.
・As long as it is within the scope of the terms of use, it can be used free of charge regardless of whether it is an individual, a corporation, commercial, or non-commercial.
・There are no restrictions on the number of uses or deadlines, and you can process (fade in, out, cut, volume, sound quality adjustment, etc.)
・By using the song, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use of the song.

【terms of use】
・Credit notation and usage permission are not required. (I would be happy if you could comment on YouTube.)
・Please note that channels may be rearranged (videos deleted or hidden) periodically without notice. If you have already downloaded it, you may use it according to the terms of use.
- The currently available sound sources are not registered with copyright management organizations such as YouTube Content ID or JASRAC.
・Although it is copyright-free, we do not waive the copyright. Copyright belongs to NATUre music.
・NATUre music is not responsible for any damages or troubles that users may suffer from the use of music.

【Prohibited matter】
・Secondary distribution (music distribution, use for things that do not add creativity)
・Acts of misrepresenting the composer's name
・Unauthorized sale of music files
・Registration with copyright management organizations such as YouTube Content ID and JASRAC
・Use for 18+ content, content that promotes crime
