春らしい軽やかなサウンドで、体がリラックスし、心が穏やかになる洋楽集です。仕事や勉強のBGMとして、また、ゆっくりとリラックスしたい時にお聴きください。春は出会いと別れがありながら、希望を感じる季節ですね。春めいた音楽を聴くことで穏やかな気持ちになり、そして、あなたが将来への希望を感じられますように…。This is a collection of Western music with a light, spring-like sound that relaxes the body and calms the mind. Please listen to it as background music for work or study, or when you want to relax. Spring is a season of encounter and separation, but also a season of hope. We hope that listening to spring-like music will make you feel peaceful and give you hope for the future.
【Music List】
00:00 〈01〉 With New Hope
03:57 〈02〉 Spring Symphony
07:10 〈03〉 Whispers of Spring
10:30 〈04〉 Blooming Joy Ver.2
14:01 〈05〉Springtime Serenade Ver.2
17:28 〈06〉 New Life Blooms
20:13 〈07〉Joyful Light
22:51 〈08〉The Gentle Light of Spring
26:33 〈09〉The Gentle Spring
30:29〈10〉 Joyful Springtime Ver.2
34:29 〈11〉 The Gentle Spring Ver.2
38:08 〈12〉 Spring Makes Me Smile
41:19 〈13〉 Soft Light in Spring Ver.2
45:18 〈15〉 A New Spring Brings New Happiness
47:47 〈16〉 New Life in Spring
51:43 〈17〉Blossom Whispers
54:58 〈18〉 Spring Symphony Ver.2
57:52 〈19〉 New Life Blooms
1:01:11 〈20〉 Joyful Springtime
1:04:30 〈21〉 Hope in the Soft Light of Spring
1:07:34 〈22〉 Blooming Joy
1:10:07 〈23〉 Soft Light in Spring
1:12:54 〈24〉 A New Spring Brings New Happiness Ver.2
1:16:04 〈25〉 Springtime Serenade
1:19:23 〈26〉 Joyful Light Ver.2
1:22:33 〈27〉 Spring Makes Me Smile Ver.2
1:26:07 〈28〉 Bloom and Smile
1:29:47 〈29〉Blossom Whispers
Music Production by Suno
Song concept by JUN MATSUYAMA
Happiness be with you.
#春 #リラックス #癒し