精選最佳喜愛的韓劇歌曲, 熱門韓劇主題曲OST, 韓劇主題曲感人歌曲排行榜
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❗● 本影片沒有任何的商業盈利用途,片中的廣告是原唱的藝人或影音公司放的,全部由他們 獲利,而本人沒有 獲利, 請大家注意
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❗✉ thewindrises.bgm@gmail.com
? Caution :
❗● I do not own any of the music or images displayed in this video
❗●The music and images belong to their composers and artists
❗●If you're a owner of any song/picture on this channel and want it removed, just leave a message on my E-Mail and I'll do my best to delete it as soon as possible. !!!
❗✉ thewindrises.bgm@gmail.com